We assist in the conception
of a new life.

The choice of a specific infertility treatment regimen is conditioned upon the underlying reasons of infertility, as well as upon the seriousness of the patient’s reproductive function disorder. The cost of an infertility treatment technique> depends on the type of technique chosen.
- artificial insemination
- surrogacy
- conservative methods for fertility restoration
In most cases early detection of a disorder and adequate treatment can lead to fertility restoration. However, there are individuals, who are incapable of becoming parents even with the help of such methods as IVF or ICSI. At that point, the only two available options would seem to be the adoption of someone else’s child or childlessness.
Our company offers one more option: the birth of one’s genetically own child with the assistance of a surrogate mother.
How is the surrogacy program implemented?
A surrogate mother voluntarily agrees to become pregnant
Сarry to term
Give birth to someone else's biological child
She likewise agrees that, following the birth, the child's biological father and mother will be officially registered as his or her parents.
Despite the widespread use of the term “surrogacy“, we believe the definition offered by the World Health Organization (WHO) back in 2001 to be more accurate: “A gestational carrier is a woman in whom a pregnancy resulted from fertilization with third-party sperm and oocytes. She carries the pregnancy with the intention or agreement that the offspring will be parented by one or both of the persons that produced the gametes.”

Our clinic has a strong scientific and technical foundation and a staff of highly qualified specialists with broad practical work experience in the area of infertility treatment using ART methods. When you contact our surrogacy agency you can rest assured that our company’s specialists will make every effort to help you become parents.
Contact us
In this section we would like to talk about how one can find a surrogate mother, which methods of searching for surrogate mothers are the most preferred, and which methods are positively not recommended to be used.
Egg donorship
Egg donorship is used in the course of infertility treatment in cases when a female patients ovarian reserve is depleted (during menopause, for example), or the oocytes are of poor quality and cannot be used in an IVF cycle. As in the case of a surrogate mother search there are several solutions to this problem.
In vitro fertilization technology has been in use all over the world over the past several decades. The chances of becoming pregnant with the help of IVF are increasing, because ART methods are constantly being improved. Nowadays pregnancy after IVF occurs on average in forty percent of cases.